Clean The Ovary Cysts With The Best Recipes, Ovary Cyst Cause Bloating, Lower Abdominal Pain, Or Lower Back Pain!

Clean The Ovary Cysts With The Best Recipes, Ovary Cyst Cause Bloating, Lower Abdominal Pain, Or Lower Back Pain!

Ovarian cysts are actually pockets or sacs filled with fluid, which develop on the surface of or within one or both woman’s ovaries. Almost all women will develop at least 1 cyst at some point in their lives.

In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 14.8% of women develop ovarian cysts after menopause, whereas almost all premenopausal women develop the cysts.

Moreover, almost all ovarian cysts are functional, which means they develop normally during the menstrual cycle. They are typically benign and occur without any evident reason.

On the contrary, pathological cysts can be benign or cancerous.

Ovarian cysts do not usually trigger any specific symptoms. But, in some cases, they can lead to irregular periods, thigh or lower back pain, pelvic pain during or before the menstrual cycle, abdominal bloating, pain during sex, pain during bowel movements, pressure in the bladder or rectum, vomiting, and nausea. Some kinds of ovarian cysts can also result in reduced fertility.

In most cases, ovarian cysts go away on their own in several months. But, in case they contribute to discomfort, you can use any of these natural remedies to shrink the size of your cysts and alleviate the symptoms.

The Most Effective Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts:

Make sure you consult your doctor for right diagnosis and treatment.


This is very effective for reducing muscle cramps or abdomen pain caused by ovarian cysts. You should place a heating pad or bottle with hot water on your abdomen and lower pelvic area, and keep it for 15 minutes. You can repeat this procedure as much as you want and whenever you experience an abdominal pain.

Castor oil packs

Castor oil pack is an old treatment for cysts. This oil has the ability to eliminate the excess toxins from your body. Moreover, it can stimulate the lymphatic system and dissolve the cysts.

You should fold a flannel cloth to make it 2-3 layers thick. The cloth needs to be big enough so you will be able to cover your entire abdomen. Put some castor oil on the cloth, fold the cloth in half then unfold it. Lay down with another towel under you and place the flannel cloth on your abdomen. Cover the castor oil cloth with plastic foil then with a towel. Place a bottle with hot water over the towel and cover yourself in a warm blanket. You should repeat this procedure 3 times a week, for 3 months.

In order to remove the excess oil from the skin, you should wash that area with a solution of 3 tablespoons baking soda and 4 cups water.

Note: You shouldn’t use castor oil packs during m*nstr*ations. Also, if you are trying to conceive, you are not supposed to use this remedy after 0vulation.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is an extremely effective remedy for reducing the pains and discomfort. It has a sedative effect which will help you to relax. Moreover, this amazing tea will stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, thus regulating the irregular periods. Mix 2 teaspoon of dried chamomile in a cup of hot water. Cover and steep for 5 minutes. Strain, and add 1 teaspoon of honey. You should drink 3 cups of this tea on a daily basis.

Epsom bath

Epsom bath can reduce pains and other symptoms related to ovarian cysts. Epsom salt is high in magnesium sulfate which can act as muscle relaxant, thus relieving the pain. You should add 1 cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub filled with warm water. Add 10 drops of essential oil (jasmine, rose, or lavender.) Stir for a few minutes in order to dissolve the salt. Soak the lower part of your body for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure every day.


This vegetable contains betacyanin which can improve the function of your liver to clear toxins out of the system. Moreover, beetroot is alkaline, meaning that it will balance the acidity in your body. You should mix ½ cup of fresh beet extract juice with 1 tablespoon of aloe gel and 1 tablespoon of black molasses. Drink this remedy every day, before your breakfast.


Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium and is recommended by many health experts. It can shrink and dissolve the cysts caused by potassium deficiency. Add 1 tablespoon of ACV in a glass of warm water. Mix in 1 tablespoon of black molasses. Drink 2 glasses of this solution on a daily basis until the cysts disappear completely. This remedy can also help you with bloating, cramps, and excessive menstrual bleeding.

Juice To Regulate The Thyroid, To Eliminate The Swelling And To Lose Weight

Juice To Regulate The Thyroid, To Eliminate The Swelling And To Lose Weight

While it is true, the thyroid is a gland of great importance within our body. Even the hormones produced by this small gland are largely responsible for the metabolisation of carbohydrates and fats.

So when the thyroid does not secrete enough hormones, hypothyroidism occurs. Today we will show you, a recipe that regulates the thyroid and helps to lose weight naturally.

The thyroid gland, on the other hand, participate in other vital processes, such as: regulation of respiration, cholesterol control, cardiac function, brain function and regulation of body temperature. For the above, the importance of making sure it is working properly. When you have hypothyroidism, this is usually accompanied by other health complications.


Some of the secondary health drawbacks, which originate from hypothyroidism are: obesity, infertility, joint pains and arteriosclerosis, among others. Today we will show you, a recipe made with 100% natural ingredients that regulates the thyroid, helps fight the swelling and will facilitate weight loss. Do not stop preparing it.

So, those who present failures in the production of thyroid hormones usually present the following symptoms:

  • Decreased libido
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Intolerance to cold temperatures
  • Memory loss
  • Frequent irritability
  • Constipation
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain
  • Dry Skin

If you notice that you have some of these symptoms, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible. In this way, you will be able to avoid the secondary damages that are caused by not controlling hypothyroidism in time.


  • A quarter teaspoon of lemon juice
  • A quarter teaspoon of nutmeg
  • A quarter teaspoon ground ginger
  • A spoonful of orange juice
  • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A cup of fresh blueberry juice
  • Two glasses of water


  • Put the water in a saucepan and put it on the fire
  • Once the water boils, add the blueberry juice, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg
  • Remove from heat and let rest for 20 minutes
  • Then add lemon juice and orange juice
  • Drink at room temperature or cool


  • If you drink this juice daily you can get the following health benefits.
  • Regulate the thyroid
  • Accelerates the metabolism
  • It will help you to lose weight
  • It improves the function of the digestive system
  • It greatly stimulates the immune system
  • Provides the body with a significant contribution of vitamins
  • Reduces inflammatory processes
  • Protects against the presence of certain diseases
  • Provides a great supply of antioxidants to the body

With the various benefits, because you do not decide to prepare and consume this healthy juice daily. Your thyroid gland and your entire body will be greatly benefited.
In view of all the above mentioned, we hope that this content has been to your liking, if so, do not hesitate to share it with your friends and family in social networks.

Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar. The Results Will Amaze You!

Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar. The Results Will Amaze You!

Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar: Our feet are the most ignored parts of our body; we do care for our face, hands and other parts but never pay any special attention to our feet that carry the whole weight of our body.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that has been used to treat several body and beauty issues and it works great. Apple cider vinegar is a versatile ingredient which can be used in multiple ways but always it must be diluted with some water whenever you use this.

Today we will talk about the incredible benefits of apple cider vinegar for your feet and how it can cure the athlete feet, fungal infection, the nasty odor of your feet, warts, dryness and healing cracks and many more.

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial, anti-bacterial and healing properties directly trigger the affected area and cure it naturally. Our poor feet suffer a lot so proper care is necessary. So let’s take a look at some amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar and how to make the solution:-

Soaking Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits:

1. Athlete’s Foot:
Athlete’s foot is a condition when your toenail becomes infected with swelling and redness and feet skin started flaky and peeled. You feel inflammation and rashes on your skin which causes itching as well.

Athlete’s foot is a common situation and numbers of people get affected with this. Basically, it affects the toes but sometimes it can affect heals, nails and on your hands too.

Luckily, apple cider vinegar has the quality and soaking your feet in this solution can treat athlete’s foot. Apple cider vinegar contains antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that kill bacteria and balance the PH level and reduces swelling and itching. 

2. Pain, Fatigue and Stress:
Excess ignorance of your feet can raise swollen foot and pain in their feet and legs. Sitting or standing for a long time in the same posture can cause swelling and pain in your feet and tension and stress can also affect your feet health.

Soaking your feet in apple cider water for 10 to 15 minutes works well for overworked and tired feet. The anti-inflammatory property decreases the fatigue and pain and makes you feel relaxed.

3. Foot Odor:
After coming home and while taking off your shoes spoils the whole atmosphere smelly with the fishy odor of your feet and this is the story of every house. The poor quality of socks and shoes can raise the trouble more but with that fungal infection, sweating and poor eating habits can also responsible for that. 

Vinegar has the quality to disinfect your feet and eliminate the odor. Soak your feet into vinegar+ water solution for 15 to 20 minutes and see the positive results and odor-free feet in a few days. Also, try to wear fine quality shoes so that your foot can breathe and prevent from infection.

Leave your feet bare for some time, even in winters because wearing socks and shoes the whole day or night can increase the problem, especially if you have sensitive skin tone.

4. Dry Feet and Warts:
You often see that some people have many dry feet and they look ugly and harder, especially if you are a female then it looks very bad and every time you try to hide those fine lines, rough heels and cracks of your heals.

Apple cider vinegar is able to correct all foot disorders like warts, calluses, cracked heels and dry skin. Vinegar naturally exfoliates your skin and nourishes it. Soaking your feet into vinegar water is a perfect method but you can also use another one.

Dip some cotton into some apple cider vinegar and directly apply to the affected area, make sure that does not apply to the healthy area. Vinegar will exfoliate the flaky skin and you can easily remove this.

5. Toenail Infection:
Cracked and yellow colored toenails look very ugly and every time you try to hide with nail paint and man can’t even do that. Apple cider vinegar can relieve toenail infection and cracks. It can also prevent other nails to get affected with fungal infection.

Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes into the vinegar mixture and within 2 weeks you will be surprised to see the results. It will totally remove the cracks, corns and infections and your feet look clean, healthy, and beautiful.

How to Make the Solution:
Take the original apple cider vinegar and always remember that dilute it with some water whenever used. Take 1 part of vinegar and mix it with two parts of warm water. Water must not very hot the lukewarm water is okay.

For instance, if you are having half a bucket of water then you can add a half a cup of apple cider vinegar. One can also add 1 pinch of Epsom salt. Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes then dries them well, after that you can apply some moisturizer or some coconut oil on your feet.

If your feet smelling very badly then first wash them with soap and water then soak in this solution. Repeat this process for 1 or two weeks and get the amazing results. 

Apple cider vinegar has a sour smell so if you don’t like it much then add some drops of essential oil of your choice, which will balance the odor.

Apple cider vinegar has proved itself that it is quite worthy. It is effective to cut fat, maintain blood sugar level, cure acne, pimples, and dandruff and fix up other health-related issues and today as you read that it has many other benefits regarding your feet.

Apple cider vinegar is a cheap, effective and natural way that you can’t avoid. It is far better than buying those expensive creams and lotions which never work as expected.

Also, it provides you relaxation and reduces fatigue which is demanded in today’s modern world. We hope that you will use this remedy and if you feel it helpful then share with us so others can also get an advantage of that.   

Easy And Natural Home Remedy To Treat A Strep Throat Infection!

Easy And Natural Home Remedy To Treat A Strep Throat Infection!

Strep throat can be treated in the most natural way without the use of medicines as we all know that they always have some kind of side effects. Antibiotics are the usual prescribed medicine for treating this health concern, but if you have a natural solution to treat it, antibiotics would be best to be avoided.

Therefore, lot of people tend to use natural treatments to remove infections and to allow the body to treat itself as it is capable for this task, all you have to do is to incite it. Strep is a viral infection and it can be transmitted from one person to another very rapidly and easily. This homemade remedy will help toy to threat this infection in one day or two thus making your life much easier.



  • 4 to 5 finely chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey
  • Half a teaspoon of cayenne powder


Combine all the ingredients and consume 1 teaspoon of the mixture every hour. Even if you do not like garlic, try it as the results are incredible, as people have already used it and found out how efficient it can be.

Every Finger Is Connected to 2 Organs: Japanese Methods Of Curing in 5 Minutes!

Every Finger Is Connected to 2 Organs: Japanese Methods Of Curing in 5 Minutes!

Japanese have a very effective healing procedure that can treat numerous health problems in only 3-5 minutes. Japanese experts say that every fingers is connected to 2 organs from the body.

This amazing technique is also known as Shin Jitsu and implies the stimulating of certain points on the body, such that you will equilibrate the energy, that is so important for your emotional and physical health. All you have to do is to maintain your finger on these areas for few minutes, while you take some deep breaths.


Organs: stomach and spleen

Emotions: depression and anxiety


Organs: bladder and kidney

Emotions: discontent, fear and confusion

The most common symptoms: digestive disorders, back pain, muscle pain, tooth etc.

The middle finger

Organs: liver and gallbladder

Emotions: indecision, anger

The most common symptoms: menstrual pain, migraine headaches, especially in the front, fatigue, poor circulation.

Ring finger

Organs: lungs and large intestine

Emotions: grief, negativity, fear

The most common symptoms: asthma and other respiratory problems, digestive problems, skin disorders

Little finger

Organs: heart and small intestine

Emotions: lack of self-esteem and anxiety

The most common symptoms: heart disease, problems with bones, sore throat, etc.

Depending on the health problems or symptoms that you have a simple finger massage will relieve your pain or will improve the functioning of organs related to each finger. Rub each finger for 3-5 minutes and you will see how problems disappear!

This Is What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Ear

This Is What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Ear

The 21st century can be stressful. It can be your office work or college – but things are racing ahead fast and it’s turning into a tension-filled journey. We could all do something to get us free from stress. Acupuncture has the answer. Our body has some specific points which are called de-stress points.  If you massage these points, it will release endorphins in your brain and make you feel relaxed and happy. It also helps your immune system – so being happy is good for you. Our ears actually have such a point that could de-stress us if we massage it properly.

The de-stressing spot
The Shen men point of our ear is deeply connected to our body functions. Located at the center of the top third area of the ear – it’s called the Gates of Heaven for a reason. Massage it properly and you can feel your body going light as air. Whenever you feel stressed out, don’t keep it in. Start massaging and feel the endorphins bursting in your body – release stress and lead a happy life. Dr. Sandomirsky already has some advice for you.

Expert advice

Use a cotton bud to press and rub this spot, while breathing in.

Understand what is happening in your body

Keep breathing in

As you inhale, look to your left, as you exhale, turn right

You will experience a calm spreading in your body

More tips

You can use your fingers to massage around this point

Destress your body by massaging it properly

Do it every night before bed for a sound sleep.

Relieve stress by massaging your ear in this manner

Feel refreshed by pulling your ear lobes with your thumb and forefinger

Take hold of your earlobes lightly between your forefinger and thumb and then pull it downwards gently. Breathe out. Repeat 6 times. You will capture more sounds and you will feel refreshed.

Aerobics for ear

Aerobics is not just for your body, they are for your ears too. And they are healthy! Make an aerobic ear routine. Rub and stroke every inch of your outer ear. Then move to the middle ear and make sure you get every tricky access point as you massage. Once, you are satisfied, move to the back of the ear. Press the earflaps forward and target the ridge where the ears join the skull. Do it softly but target every point. You will see heat escaping from your body and blood surging in your ear. You will feel more energized than before.

Become more concentrated by unrolling your outer ears

Hold the outer part of your ear and slowly unroll it. Do it thrice. It’s a great exercise that will open up the focusing areas of your brain. You will be able to concentrate on your job more. Do it before your new job, or teach your kids so that they can focus more on their schoolwork.

Get rid of tension by massaging the ear lobes in circles

Let your thumb and index finger massage the lobes of your ear in a small circular motion. Once you feel you’ve done it a number of times, go up and do the same for the entire ear by holding the center of the external part.  You will slowly feel your stress escaping from your body. Your ears are connected to the brain and the pituitary glands. A bit of soft massaging activates the brain and the gland and destresses it. It also helps them function better.

Get rid of worries by massaging the outer ears

Cover your left ear with your left palm and your right ear with your right palm. Now close your eyes and let your shoulders drop. Move your palms in a circular motion, massaging the outer part of the ear with your palms. Continue for a couple of minutes and do it again in the opposite direction. It will destress your body and get you detached from whatever worries you are having. Become anxiety-free.

Our body has a lot of mysteries, and it has many healing points. Make health your priority and do whatever you can to keep a healthy lifestyle. De-stress yourself – and live a worry-free life.

Early Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body

Early Signs That Cancer Is Growing In Your Body

Cancer is a very insidious disease. Even the forms of detection that are considered to be the best like for example tests and routine check-ups are not that reliable.

Any strange symptom that you find suspicious and unexplained can help you detect cancer on time.

Here, we’re presenting you 20 of the 20 early cancer signs that you should never ignore:

Wheezing and shortness of breath

These signs are considered to be the earliest signs for the appearance of lung cancer in your body.

Chest pain and chronic cough

According to some patients, pain down the arm as well as chest pain and cough are also pretty common. Some types of cancers like leukemia and lung tumors can even mimic symptoms of a chronic cough.

Recurrent fever and infections

Infections as well as frequent fever can signify leukemia which we all know is one type of a blood tumor that develops in the bone marrow. It makes the marrow produce abnormal white blood cells which later attack your whole immune system.

Difficulty swallowing

Having difficulties swallowing may signify the presence of throat, lung or esophageal cancer.

Swollen lymph nodes on the underarms, groin and neck

These are often negative changes in the lymph system and they are mostly caused by cancer.

Bruising and bleeding that don’t stop

This sign means that there’s a disturbance in the platelets and red blood cells. It can be caused by leukemia. The amount of white blood cells becomes abnormal.

It can eliminate the red blood cells and your body becomes unable to clot, so you’ll start to lose blood.


Unfortunately, fatigue is considered to be one of the most overlooked signs of cancer. Still, it doesn’t always mean cancer, so you shouldn’t worry. It should come along with other symptoms.

If you’ve noticed that you’re tired without a reason and you feel like that all the time, call your doctor.

Pelvic and abdominal pain

These signs along with cramps and bloating usually signify ovarian cancer.

Bloating and sudden abdominal weight gain

Make sure you visit a doctor if these symptoms continue for a long period of time as they usually indicate ovarian cancer.

Rectal bleeding and blood in the stool

Blood in the stool can be an early sign of colorectal cancer, so if you notice it, make sure you visit a  doctor.

Sudden weight loss

Weight loss that happens suddenly can signify a liver cancer or some type of cancer that has spread to your liver and affects your appetite.

Stomachache or upset stomach

Pay attention if you feel like your stomach is upset frequently, because it may signify colorectal cancer.

Swollen and inflamed nipples

Any kind of change in your nipples like swelling or inflammation should alarm you to visit your doctor because it may signify breast cancer.

Nipple changes

Nipples that are flattened, twisted or inverted are the earliest signs of breast cancer.

Heavy and frequent periods

Doctors usually relate these signs to uterine and endometrial cancer. Make sure you get a vaginal ultrasound so that you can rule out cancer.

Changes on the nails

Changes in the nails like dots, streaks in and under the nails, pale or white nails and clubbing can signify liver or lung cancer.

Swelling in the face

This sign accompanied with redness and puffiness can signify that there is a presence of small tumors in your lungs that are blocking the blood flow which leads to your face.

Sore lumps that don’t heal

The 3 types of skin cancer that may cause these sore lumps to appear on your skin are melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These lumps skin bleed easily and don’t heal.

Feeling full and being unable to eat

This sign is also attributed to ovarian cancer. There are some patients who don’t have appetite and they skip meals, but they don’t even want to eat even if they skipped a meal.

Pain in the back and lower right side

This may be a sign of liver cancer, but also indicate breast cancer because some breast tumors press backwards into the chest.

Make sure you always try to notice any unusual sign in you or someone you know no matter the gender or age. Only that will increase your chances of eliminating the disease and survive.

Cancer can really harm your health and you can end up having fatal consequences. It’s always better to prevent it than to treat it.

Always eat a healthy diet that is rich in foods which can prevent water, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water! That will help you acquire optimal health!